Online Learning - Reimagined

An exclusive digital learning platform for superior teaching and learning experiences that optimizes student success.

Supports multiple built-in engagement drivers, including quizzes, polls, and content sharing. Tracks student activity both individually and as a group, providing the instructor with actionable insights in real-time and after class ends.

  • Real-time measurement of individual and aggregate student engagement metrics
  • Automatic recommendations provided during class to instructors and students
  • 70+ data points collected for detailed post-class analysis
  • Engagement data can be joined with other indicators such as assessment scores

Students can work in small collaborative groups that support dynamic, frictionless interactions and can coexist within larger class settings, much like study groups in a well-designed active learning classroom.

  • Students study in active learning pods of 2-10 per table
  • Able to collaborate and interact with each other before and after class
  • Enables peer-to-peer instruction without interference to others
  • Organic and instant breakout sessions
  • Focus mode for uninterrupted, immersive 1:1 learning experience
  • Unique in-slide poll and quiz integration
  • Synchronized high-quality video clips fully controlled by the instructor
  • Open-Floor and Moderated Class modes
  • Multiple modes for partitioning students into table groups
  • Conduct instant breakouts with the ability to monitor and seamlessly move from table to table

The platform enables access to all students, including those without the newest machines or the fastest internet connection. It even works with a smart TV in tandem with a mobile phone