Permanence and ongoing proof of carbon additionality

Voluntary carbon markets will soon reach $100 billion in annual sales and significant sustainable finance is flowing into the sector, but performance metrics have been very imprecise till now. Baseline studies are very important when classifying the additionality of sustainable finance and carbon projects - we accurately and precisely measure the baseline conditions of agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, reforestation and reduced deforestation projects as well as renewables, ensuring land clearing is accounted for. We also deliver ongoing monitoring of carbon reductions over time, to ensure that sustainable finance use of funds are delivering their targeted carbon reduction, in compliance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in the EU.

  • Carbon removal + machine learning

  • The world's first platform that continuously audits and reports on underlying carbon asset in tree planting and carbon credit projects.

  • Our AI interacts with satellite imagery and remote sensing data, delivering proof of carbon additionality or leakage.

  • Our API-first carbon removal service delivers offsets into online applications and checkouts.

  • We enhance verification with an extra layer of auditing.

  • Data driven ESG metrics for carbon offsets - World’s first AI powered platform, bringing transparency and trust.

Technology partners